Magnetic filtration allows for fluid to flow around a magnetic rod or core. This magnet attract ferrous particles and removes them from fluids. Clean fluid can then be returned to the machine.
Magnetic coolant filters remove ferrous particles much more efficiently than other filtration types. Traditional barrier or media filters are limited by the size of its pores; if pores are too big, the contamination continues to circulates freely, but if they are too small, the filter can become clogged. Advanced magnetic filtration solves these problems. In addition, there are fully automatic 24/7 magnetic filtration systems, providing minimal downtime.
With magnetic filters, contamination is removed from the filter as a semi-dry cake and the majority of residue fluid can be recovered.
Manually cleaned magnetic filters require no additional power or consumable parts in their day-to-day operation. Automated cleaning versions require small amounts of power but no other consumable parts.
Once set up, automated magnetic filters can run unmanned and without any need for stoppages or downtime.
Magnetic filtration does not strip anti-bacterial properties from fluids, thereby reducing the risk of bacterial development and also considerably reduces the risk of human contact with such bacterias. Our automated filtration systems remove the need for operators to come into contact with contaminated fluids.